I believe there are two reasons why we as believers can deny Christ. The first is by pride. We become prideful when we think we can do anything on our own, by our own abilities. When we don’t stop for a moment to consider what would Jesus have me to do in a particular situation, that’s pride. That’s us saying, “Take a break, Jesus, I got this one.” So many times the bible talks about pride going before destruction and so many times we fall for this every single day. We are prideful creatures and so willing and ready to take credit for the tiniest things – when it’s God who gives us our next breath and next heartbeat!
The second way we can deny Christ is by fear. Fear can take many forms in our day-to-day activites – fear to step out on faith, of believing the promises God has given us, of getting outside our ‘comfort zone’ and leaving behind our nice safe ordered little lives. Fear of what the world thinks, it can keep us from witnessing, from taking a stand against something we know is wrong, fear of being ridiculed as a “Jesus Freak” or a holy roller. Like that’s something to be ashamed of…
Peter is a great illustration of both of these ways. He was at times very prideful and very fearful and it’s at those times he denied Christ. Humans haven’t changed much in 2000 years, we are no different.